Trust us to lead the way

In 2017, the group introduced Macau's first landmark series of residential developments, “THE T COLLECTION”, which redefines quality living based on 4 “T’s”: Timelessness, Top quality, Town’s landmarks and Trust.

Our motto “FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH”, sets THE T COLLECTION its own trends. Its pioneering project, “Trust Legend”, has set a number of architectural records in Macau, including the first large-scale industrial building revitalisation project, the greatest number of unit designs, the greatest number of show flats, the first multi-functional units and the largest aerial garden. These records evidence the emphasis “THE T COLLECTION” places on quality and innovation.

“THE T COLLECTION” is more than a slogan or a brand. It is the promise we made to our clients in the 21st century: we will continue to uphold our commitment to building stylish properties, and bringing Macau to the fore.